March2Success One-Week Study Schedule

YouTube Videos

Word Knowledge (34 min)

Paragraph Comprehension (54 min)

Arithmetic Reason (1 hr 43 min)

Mathematic Knowledge (4 hr 48 min)  

Recruitment Flyers

 Day 1

  • Complete Verbal Pre-Assessment
  • Complete Math Pre-Assessment (No Calculator)
  • Begin Verbal Lessons

Day 2

  • Complete Verbal Lessons
  • Complete Math Lessons (No Calculator)
  • Complete Concluding Lessons (No Calculator)

Day 3

  • Study Verbal Flashcards (ALL DAY)
  • Complete verbal Practice Tests # 1-3
  • Watch Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension

YouTube Videos (See Table Above)

Day 4

  • Complete Verbal Practice Test #4
  • Study Math Flashcards (ALL DAY)
  • Complete Math Practice Tests #1-2 (No Calculator)
  • Watch Arithmetic Reasoning YouTube Video

Day 5

  • Finish Math Practice Tests #3-5 (No Calculator)
  • Review ALL Flashcards
  • Start Mathematics Knowledge YouTube Video

Day 6 

  • Finish Mathematics Knowledge YouTube Video
  • Take Verbal and Math Post Assessment (No Calculator)
  • Review ALL Flashcards

Day 7

  • Review ALL Flashcards



Test Day

Tips for success with March2Success

  1. Sign-on and log onto the site, (M2S Works on I-Phones).
  2. Click on “High School math and verbal skills”
  3. “Enable” Pop-Ups otherwise the library will not work.
  4. Do the VE (Verbal) pre-assessment and well as the Math pre-assessment and ensure they record their scores.
  5. MOST IMPORTANTLY, do all VE (Verbal) flash cars, there are 15 decks containing around 300 words total plus 500 synonyms, this is where they learn suffix, presuffix and root words which helps them get the WORD KNOWLEDGE part of the test right and increase their QT immensely.
  6. Least important but necessary, do all the MATH Flash cards, this includes formulas, interest calculations, percentage, decimals etc.…
  7. Once you complete all of the flash cards in a matter of 3-4 days then complete ALL 9 practice tests (5 VERBAL-English & 4 Math)
  8. Finally take the last 2 final assessments, if VE scores are above 70% AND MATH 60% you are ready to test.
  9. REMEMBER, QT scores comes from WK?PC/MK/AR, but 66% of the QT comes from the English portion of the test or (WK/PC) this is why you must invest your time more to the English (Verbal flash cards